Ivonne Heideman

Ivonne Heideman

Ivonne feels free to shape her own growth

Ivonne did not want to become a doctor, but had a great affinity with the medical world. After studying biomedical and health sciences, she started working as a consultant for a healthcare software developer. There, she learned all about EHR technology at hospitals. 'I enjoy bridging the gap between healthcare and ICT and improving processes by using technology.'

Heart for hospital care

She didn't work at an EHR software developer for more than a year because she wanted to find out what she could learn in other sectors. 'I found my work as a software consultant in healthcare too limited and wanted to look further afield. That's how I ended up at a large corporate in business services. But I found out that the type of work didn't suit me. I did need this intermediate step to discover that my heart really lies with healthcare after all, especially hospitals.'

Alles komt samen bij Visiar HealthCare

Everything comes together at At Visiar HealthCare, everything comes together for Ivonne: working on multifaceted projects in her favourite sector, together with a young team of ambitious and enthusiastic professionals. 'I find medical processes in hospitals very fascinating. At Visiar, I supervise hospital IT projects, among other things, from coordinating and organising to more technical work. The consulting role suits me perfectly and I notice how much I like it when healthcare professionals experience that technology makes their work a bit more pleasant and efficient.'

Fun start-up vibe

'Visiar HealthCare is a fun, small, growing company with great colleagues. We all have something to do with healthcare and ICT and we work hard to make healthcare processes in hospitals run more smoothly. Here, you can shape your own personal growth and the growth of the company. Helping to build something beautiful in a positive atmosphere is what I like best about this company. We always look forward to Fridays. Then everyone is at the B-Amsterdam office and you really experience that cosy start-up vibe'.