Evelijne Merkx

Evelijne Merkx

Experienced consultant in healthcare

As an experienced consultant with a background as a nurse, I am driven to improve healthcare quality. My passion lies in providing effective healthcare ICT solutions, through which I advise and support healthcare professionals and institutions."

Together for better care

Evelijne has found her niche at Visiar HealthCare, where she is involved daily in optimising work processes and interacting with various stakeholders. With her nursing background, she knows a lot about how things work in a hospital. Evelijne enjoys working in a hospital and working closely with various healthcare professionals. 'Helping a healthcare facility and the healthcare staff gives a lot of energy and because of the experience in healthcare, you really feel that you can help well and make a difference.'

Strong in software

In recent years, Evelijne has been involved in many EHR implementations. In these, she has seen many different medical processes in terms of software. Besides standard implementations, she has also been involved in many innovative projects and often had an overarching role in projects. She can use this combination very well in her various roles at Visiar HealthCare and makes her a good all-round consultant.

Room for ambition

At Visiar HealthCare, she feels very much at home. There is plenty of room for personal initiative and ambition and everyone is there for each other. The team is very close-knit and the atmosphere is very good. Everyone is always up for fun things and enjoys going to the office. Together, we work to provide better care in various healthcare institutions and we all go that extra mile. Evelijne is looking forward to the future and what it will bring.